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Description: History.com is perfect for any school projects, research papers, or answers needed regarding history. This website can be useful for education and school use because it is trustworthy, valid information, and is explained in terms that younger students understand. One can also watch videos to help understand the subject they are researching. The first interesting topic on History.com is called “This Day in History.” This section on the website talks about interesting things from history that happened on the present day you are looking at it. The second interesting topic on History.com is the “shows.” This lets people watch the shows from the history channel through their computer. The last topic one may find very interesting on History.com is the “stories.” In this section, there are very interesting untold events in history. One last reason History.com is very useful is because it has specific topics in history. You can search a specific time period, war, event, or anything from history and it will come up with an informational article explaining that. All in all, History.com is very useful and people of all ages can use this website.
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Description: Quizlet is an amazing website for all students and teachers. One can add their own terms to study or join a teacher’s class to study materials that the teacher makes. Quizlet has many different functions like notecards, writing and spelling the words, and even a test function to quiz over the materials. Some games on quizlet help people study the material for their next test. Everything on Quizlet is printable if you prefer paper flashcards or a paper test to study. Anyone can make a class on Quizlet to have friends join so everyone can study together. Quizlet is an amazing website because it contains a variety of functions to help everyone study.
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Description: The College Board is a very useful site today. This site allows students to register for college tests and the practice tests. This site provides PSAT and SAT registration, as well as many other tests. It also contains a college search and college planning options. These sections help find the best and most fitting college for a student. Also, this website is mostly used by people from age 17 all the way through age 60 (if looking to go back to college and earn another degree or a first degree). This website will be important for education in the future because it will provide an easy and portable way to sign up for SATs, PSATs, and other tests and to look up colleges. Overall, this website is very useful for many people at college level and beyond college level today.
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Description: For people wanting to make a video game, design a website, or graph tables for work, Coursera is the perfect website. Coursera is a website designated to teaching people how to code using different languages of code. The languages are used to tell the computer to do something. These commands all combine to accomplish finishing a website that can be useful for research or a video game that people can play for fun. Even for work, tables can be coded to create percentages based on numbers that are displayed without looking at each number manually. Overall, Coursera is useful for work and graphic design.
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Description: Oxford Dictionary is the most trustable online dictionary of the English language. This website can be used on many platforms, including PC and mobile devices. The staff of Oxford Dictionary ensures that the information on the site is completely valid and adheres to the English language. No matter where someone is or what device he or she is on, he or she will get full access to an accurate English dictionary. The dictionary is open to anyone that is able to read and has access to some sort of electronic platform. It is used everyday by many people. This is very valuable to education today and in the future because anyone in school or seeking education needs a reliable online dictionary in case dictionary books are unavailable.
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Description: This website provides information about colleges from all over the world. The colleges on this site are ranked and given a rating. The website has the college’s address and a summary about the school. This website also has other categories, such as a high school finder. This section can help find the best high school in your area. This website is mostly used by people at college level, but also by people who are looking for a high school to attend. This website could be used in the next generation to see which colleges are the best for people and to find the best fit college for their degree of choice.
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