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Description: This project considers difficult knowledge in public spaces that represent history such as museums, memorial sites, and cultural heritage tours. It focuses on how the rise in consciousness of key episodes of difficult history in Canada — such as the colonial legacy of Indian Residential Schools — is shaping the expectations and practices of Canada’s national museums. The project brings together scholars, curators, museum practitioners, and diverse publics to collaborate on best approaches to acknowledge multiple and disparate voices given that in diverse societies individuals and groups are situated differently and unevenly in relation to difficult knowledge.
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Subject: Racism--Canada, Residential Schools, Museum Techniques--Exhibitions, Museum Exhibits--Social aspects, Museum Exhibits--Moral and Ethical Aspects, Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Group: Cultural Studies - Museums
Creator: University of Winnipeg Library
Language: English
Coverage: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Format: HTML
Type: Archived website
Date: Archived since August 2019
Group: Cultural Studies
Sub-topic: Museums
Collector: University of Winnipeg Library
Rights: This electronic resource is made available by the University of Winnipeg Library for the purposes of research, education, teaching and private study. All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Winnipeg does not hold the copyright to the content of this file. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.
Theme: Arts and Culture
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