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Maryland Manual: Executive Departments

Collected by: Thurgood Marshall State Law Library

Archived since: Oct, 2022


Web pages for the twenty-two principal departments of the Maryland Executive.

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Title: Maryland Department of Aging


Description: Created in 1998, the Department of Aging protects the rights and quality of life of older persons in Maryland in accordance with the federal Older Americans Act, which originally was enacted in 1965.

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Title: Maryland Department of Agriculture


Description: The Department of Agriculture eradicates disease in livestock and poultry; controls insect pests and weeds, which threaten field crops; inspects seeds and fertilizers to ensure maximum yields; and disseminates market reports and statistics to help farmers plan farm production. The Department also protects the environment by regulating the use of pesticides, implementing sound soil conservation methods, and preserving valuable agricultural land.

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Title: Maryland Department of Budget & Management


Description: Major responsibilities of the Department of Budget and Management concern the budget of State government. They include budget development, supervision of budget execution, and revenue estimating.

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Title: Maryland Department of Commerce


Description: To stimulate the economy and generate jobs in Maryland, the Department of Commerce promotes biotechnology, attracts new businesses, encourages the expansion and retention of existing facilities, and provides financial assistance and training.

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Title: Maryland Department of Disabilities


Description: For Maryland citizens with disabilities, the Department evaluates programs and services. It coordinates and supports public and private agencies serving people with disabilities, provides information and referrals, and identifies and recommends ways to improve services.

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Title: Maryland Department of Education


Description: In Maryland, the general care and supervision of public education are vested in the State Department of Education.

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Title: Maryland Department of Emergency Management


Description: The Maryland Department of Emergency Management coordinates statewide efforts in the event of emergencies and disasters that are beyond the capabilities of local authorities and provides for a civil defense system.

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Title: Maryland Department of the Environment


Description: The Department of the Enviroment restores Maryland's environment and safeguards the environmental health of Maryland citizens. Its duties encompass enforcement and regulation, long-term planning and research, and technical assistance to industry and communities in their efforts to take responsibility for pollution, waste disposal, and emergency spills of waste or oil.

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Title: Maryland Department of General Services


Description: The Department of General Services provides professional and technical services for the design and construction of State public improvements.

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Title: Maryland Department of Health


Description: The Maryland Department of Health is responsible for the health interests of all Marylanders; sets health care policy; administers laws relating to health issues; and adopts and revises a State health improvement plan.

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Title: Department of Housing & Community Development


Description: The Department of Housing and Community Development works to ensure available housing at all income levels, and encourage strong neighborhoods and viable communities.

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Title: Maryland Department of Human Services


Description: The Department of Human Services directs State programs for homeless persons, refugees, migrant workers, victims of crime, and women who are displaced, battered, or assaulted. It also administers federally funded programs, such as Family Investment, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (known as SNAP, formerly Food Stamps), and Medical Assistance (Medicaid).

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Title: Maryland Department of Information Technology


Description: The Department of Information Technology develops, maintains, revises, and enforces information technology policies, procedures, and standards throughout State government.

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Title: Maryland Department of Juvenile Services


Description: The Department of Juvenile Services provides care and treatment, consistent with the public safety, to boys and girls under the age of eighteen who violate the criminal law, or are likely to violate the law, or whose behavior is such that they may endanger themselves or others.

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Title: Maryland Department of Labor


Description: The Maryland Department of Labor supervises employment training, job match services, unemployment insurance, and many of the State's licensing and regulatory boards concerned with occupations and professions, and home and mechanical services.

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Title: Maryland Department of Natural Resources


Description: Created in 1969, the Department of Natural Resources works to ensure the preservation, development, wise use, and enjoyment of Maryland's natural resources for the greatest benefit to the State and its citizens.

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Title: Maryland Department of Planning


Description: The Department of Planning provides information and services that improve the ability of State and local governments to support growth that fosters vibrant, livable communities, preserves and protects the environment, and makes efficient use of State resources.

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Title: Maryland Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services


Description: Through its correctional institutions and parole and probation programs, the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services has statewide responsibility to supervise and rehabilitate imprisoned and paroled individuals.

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Title: Maryland Department of State Police


Description: The Department of State Police enforces State motor vehicle and criminal laws and safeguards the lives and safety of all persons within Maryland.

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Title: Maryland Department of Transportation


Description: The Department of Transportation is responsible for the planning, construction, and maintenance of highways, bridges, and tunnels, as well as airports, the Port of Baltimore, and public transportation, or mass transit.

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Title: Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs


Description: The Department of Veterans Affairs helps veterans, their families, and survivors to secure federal, State and local benefits provided by law in recognition of their service to Maryland and the nation.

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