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Description: Grassroots community farm based in Asheville's Southside neighborhood. "As a Black-led project in a historically segregated Black neighborhood, Southside Community Farm (SCF) seeks to prioritize the needs of Black people and other community members of color while celebrating diverse cultures and foodways. Our mission is not only to feed people, but also to co-create a web of food sovereignty in which community members have tangible power over their local food system." (2024 Annual Report)
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Subject: Farms, Community gardens, African Americans, North Carolina--Asheville--Southside, Anti-racism
Description: The Black Cultural Heritage Trail honors and preserves the rich heritage of Asheville's Black community. The BCHT opened in December 2023 with sites in Asheville's downtown, Southside, and River Arts District sections. Work towards the BCHT began in 2010, when residents of Asheville’s historically Black East End neighborhood proposed a trail to celebrate Black cultural heritage. River Front Development Group, a Black community development nonprofit founded in Asheville in 1996, committed to achieving these projects. River Front Development Group focused on co-creating and sharing narratives of often overlooked Black Ashevillians.
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Subject: African Americans, North Carolina--Asheville, African Americans
Publisher: Explore Asheville
Date: December 2023
Rights: Copyright Asheville Black Cultural Heritage Trail
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Subject: African Americans, North Carolina--Henderson County
Creator: Henderson County Black History Research Committee
Rights: In copyright.
Description: Project founded by Dr. Dwight Mullen as an undergraduate research project at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. Designed to serve as a comprehensive resource that collects and enables data-driven research and analysis of outcomes along racial lines in order to find effective solutions to Asheville's racial disparities in education, economics, healthcare, housing, and criminal justice.
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Subject: African Americans, North Carolina--Asheville
Creator: Dwight Mullen, Ashley Cooper
Date: 2018
Description: Asheville-based newspaper publication and online news outlet serving the multicultural community.
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Subject: African Americans, Newspapers, African Americans
Description: Asheville-based radio station, broadcasting FM signal from the top of the Vanderbilt apartments.
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Subject: African Americans, Radio stations
Description: Nonprofit organization that provides antiracism education and training, founded in 1993.
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Subject: African Americans, Anti-racism
Description: Collective of Black leaders in Asheville, formed in summer 2020 to demand justice for racial violence.
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Subject: African Americans, Anti-racism, Social justice, Reparations
Description: Nonprofit organization serving Western North Carolina with a focus on community support, property and economic development. Founded in 1994 under the leadership of Dr. John H. Grant and the auspices of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church.
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Subject: Business enterprises, African Americans, Neighborhoods, North Carolina--Asheville--Downtown
Description: Organization providing "Hood Tours" of Asheville's Black history and other initiatives with the goal of supporting African Americans living in Appalachia.
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Subject: African Americans, North Carolina--Asheville--West Asheville
Description: Collective of individuals and organizations coordinating efforts in antiracism, Black reparations, and divestment from traditional law enforcement.
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Subject: African Americans, Anti-racism, Social justice, Reparations
Description: Website and blog of the Reparations Stakeholder Authority of Asheville, a fiscally-sponsored project of the Tzedek Social Justice Fund.
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Subject: Reparations, African Americans
Description: Reunion website for the 1965 class of Stephens-Lee High School, the segregation-era high school for Black students in Asheville. The 1965 class was the last to graduate from the "Castle on the Hill" school building built in 1922. Website includes school history and photographs of alumni.
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Subject: High school reunions, Stephens-Lee High School (Asheville, N.C.), African Americans
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Subject: African Americans, Anti-racism, Arts
Description: Community garden located in West Asheville’s Burton Street Community, a historically African American neighborhood established in the early 1900s by community leader Edward Walton Pearson, Sr.
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Subject: African Americans, Community gardens
Description: One of the oldest Black cultural centers in the United States, the YMI Cultural Center was founded in 1892 as “The Young Men’s Institute” for the African American men who helped build the Biltmore Estate, and today has a mission "to promote cultural preservation and elevate Black Excellence through community engagement, advocacy, leadership development and economic justice."
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Subject: African Americans, Community centers
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