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Archived since: Jul, 2020
Web pages collected for the Madison LGBTQ+ Archive. The Madison LGBTQ+ Archive documents the lives and memories of the LGBTQ+ communities in Madison and Dane County, Wisconsin.
Subject: Society & Culture
Archived since: Sep, 2006
The Stem Cell Research Archives Project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries collects, preserves, and provides access to records of stem cell research at UW-Madison and reactions in Wisconsin to work accomplished or underway at UW-Madison.
Subject: Science & Health
Collector: University of Wisconsin
Archived since: Sep, 2022
Official websites of various Division of Extension units and projects. Websites provide information regarding community programming and services provided by Extension. Programming topics can include, but are not limited to: 4-H, agriculture, family relationships, mental health, financial management, horticulture, nutrition, natural resource management, and community development. Some websites include research publications related to these topics. The websites are mostly in English, but may have materials that are in Spanish and HMoob.
Subject: Natural resources, Families, Nutrition extension work, 4-H clubs--Wisconsin, Agricultural extension work--Wisconsin, Community development
Archived since: Sep, 2011
A selection of public web pages created by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Education, Higher, Universities and colleges, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Creator: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Coverage: Madison, Dane, Wisconsin
Date: 09-08-2011
Collector: University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives and Records Management
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