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Archived since: Sep, 2005
Websites relating to state funded institutions of higher learning in South Dakota.
Subject: Government - US States, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Dakota State University, South Dakota Board of Regents, University of South Dakota, Black Hills State University, Northern State University, South Dakota State University
Creator: State of South Dakota
Publisher: State of South Dakota
Collector: South Dakota State Archives
Archived since: Sep, 2005
Websites relating to the State of South Dakota's Legislature.
Subject: Government - US States, South Dakota Session Laws, South Dakota House of Representatives, South Dakota Administrative Rules, South Dakota Codified Laws, South Dakota Senate
Creator: State of South Dakota
Publisher: State of South Dakota
Language: eng
Collector: South Dakota State Archives and South Dakota State Library
Archived since: Sep, 2005
Websites relating to South Dakota state government agencies, boards, and commissions.
Subject: Government - US States, public safety, public utilities, attorney general, procurement, executive management, education, lieutenant governor, School and public lands, retirement, corrections, personnel, health, auditor, Unified judicial system, treasurer, governor, administration, human services
Creator: State of South Dakota
Publisher: State of South Dakota
Language: eng
Collector: South Dakota State Archives and South Dakota State Library
Archived since: Dec, 2009
South Dakota State Agency Websites
Subject: Government - US States
Archived since: Sep, 2010
South Dakota State Agency Websites
Subject: Government
Collector: South Dakota State Library
Page 1 of 1 (6 Total Results)